Saturday, March 21, 2009


Its officially spring, although it has felt like it for a couple of weeks now. My overwintered veggies have got new life to them, greening up, perking up, and slowly growing. Peas and radishes, turnips and beets that I seeded a while back on much chillier days are popping up out of the ground. My starts in the greenhouse have been very happy. They seem to be an inch bigger every day. I am planting out a few flats every day and seeding a few more, a cycle I see lasting for quite a while. The first Growers Market was last Tuesday and was a success, I sold completely out of everything I brought, of course I was the only one there with any veggies so the competition wasn't very hard to beat. One last note, and then I got to get to bed, we are now Certified Organic! we just received our Certification document the other day. Goodnight. -Q